As most of you know, I have been working to get Guardian Angels the book out by Nov 20th. What some of you don't know however Is how much I have been working on it. Right now I am not working and I'm out of school so I spend upwards of 6 hours a day on it. And it requires all of that work!
But how i'm getting those 6 hours in is at the expense of other things. For instance I haven't written anything for the blog for a bit. But I lost something even more important in the process. My quiet time with Jesus. First it was just one day where I went on my computer first, and then two and then before I knew it the only day I was having my quiet time was Sundays where I did not work on the book.
The guilt tugged at my heart but I continued to ignore it tell A note card appeared on my desk. I had written it, I don't remember doing it but it was in my handwriting. This is what it said:
“Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city the watchman stays awake in vain. It is in vain that you rise up early and go to bed late, eating the bread of anxious toil; for he gives his beloved sleep.” - Psalm 127:1-2
Ope. Yeah. I had taken God out of the equation even though I was writing a book that was to reach his people, I decided that I didn't need him.
This is how the devil works. I never outright said “You know what. I'm not going to spend time with Jesus when I'm writing this book about him. From now on no more quiet time.” But slowly day by day I did just that.
Moral of the story? If God gives you a task he gives you enough to complete it. But just because someone stacks a bunch of food in your truck before you set off for a long drive, you need to eat it. The responsibility for providing it is on God, your responsibility is to eat it.