What happens when we don't have all the answers? I can study and train all day long but I will never know everything.
I can do hand to hand combat for 10 years but if I meet someone who has done it 11 I'm toast. So what's the point?
What happens when I do all the surveillance in the world but close my eyes for a second and in that time I missed someone who later killed people. What happens when this happens?
For the world, they don't really know how to grapple with that. They aren't sure what the point is if we will eventually get beat. They don't think about it too often, but its a question burning in the back of their minds.
But it doesn't have to be that way for you.
Where they wonder we know.
Where they are lost we can see the path.
When they are hopeless we have hope.
What exactly is that hope? We no longer fear death. Death was conquered for us when Jesus died and rose again. We don't have to fear it.
Imagine with me, if you will, you are a superhero with the gift of not being able to die (Insert technical term for that but…) What do you do? Well obviously you go and try it out, do some sky diving, some deep sea exploring, some showing off. You know. But then after that. What do you do with it?
As Christians were not given the gift of not being able to die on earth. We are all gunna bite it one day. But we are given the promise that this isnt the end. That earth is just a very very small part of the bigger picture. And because we have that promise that once we kick the bucket here we get to move on to a much better place. In a way we are given that super power. We are given bravery like none other, because we no longer fear death.
So what is there keeping us from living a life that brings honor and praise to God? Is it your popularity that keeps you from evangelizing? A blink of an eye and its all gone, the only thing remaining is those who you lead to Christ.
Gunna loose your job for talking about Jesus? Dont matter, Cuz in a hundred years you wont even remember that other then to point to it and say “There is where I learned to trust Jesus.”
What I'm trying to communicate in probably a very sloppy way is this - We are gifted bravery. Dont waste it. We don't know when we're gunna get to go home, don't screw around making this temporary lodging comfortable.