You would've never learned the words to "Amazing Grace"
Never felt the chill of a pew when you lost faith
Well, blood, sweat, and tears wouldn't mean a thing
If you didn't strike out a couple hundred times
If you never hit rock bottom, never cussed the sky
You would've never known to ask the good Lord why
Or ever changed your life
If you never had hard days
If you never had a heartbreak
Never had more than you can take
Or carried the weight
Of life on your shoulders
Would you feel like you earned it?
Would you live with a purpose?
Or ever known your own strength
If you never had hard days?
Hard days - Brantley Gilbert
I was once told that the Hard days are the best days because thats when champions are made. And this is true. But its not because its when we burn out that we burn our brightest. Rather because its on hard days where we have to push hard and do things we don't want to do simply because we have to. Its at times like these where your emotions tag team with your logic overtime to get you through the day. But when is it too hard?
When do you really need to just take a step back? Well as Jocko once said it you need to always procrastinate that. If your feeling worn out, or sick put it off another day. If you still feel this way tomorrow then you can take a break. But 9 times out of 10 you wont. Tomorrow you wont need a break, and it turns out yesterday was just a hard day.
But what happens when you wake up tomorrow morning and it still sucks? If you can procrastinate it another day. As luck would have it you just had two hard days in a row. Solder thru it and say if you feel this way tomorrow you will break.
But what if day after day this happens? Well believe it or not at that point you might just need a break. If you decide you need to take a week, take the next week. But don't just give it to yourself. If on Tuesday you need a break make your break start next Monday. Again when one is taking break procrastination is key.
Just remember sometimes we do have hard days. Stick with it. Sometimes we have hard weeks. Stick with it. And sometimes we need breaks. Procrastinate that.