I haven't written in a while. I've been busy with other aspects of Guardian Angels but that's not really what's been keeping me away. I have felt a little dried up, and slightly inadequate for this job, so like the smart person I am, I just avoided it.
But here's the deal. I'm not wrong. I am inadequate for this job. Who am I, pretending that I've got my life together? But then I realized.
I am not perfect but Jesus is.
I do not have it figured out, but He does.
I don't know what I'm doing, but He's got it.
So that gives me the ability to do this. That being said, Because I don't got it figured, let's talk about the one that does.
In the bible we are told to be like Jesus. But what does that even mean? Who was Jesus? After spending some significant time in the gospels with my church I can say so many things about Jesus. He was perfect after all, so today we're gunna look at one specifically. And that is this-
Jesus was kind.
And before you tune me out, a lot of people like us struggle with this. We will save your life in a heartbeat but kindness? Aw heck no.
Let's look at it.
The dictionary definition is this: “the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate”
Jesus knew what it looked like lived out though.
Throughout his life he us what it was like to be protecting and to be kind. Think about it, He knew the plan. He knew what his mission was. He was to come here, live a perfect life, die and get raised again. And that would be hard enough but he went about it in a way that makes his name and kindness synonyms for each other.
In Matthew 8 Jesus cleanses a leper, He was just walking down the mountain trying to avoid people (Feel that) And this Leper comes up to him. Now remember, in those days there was no cure for leprosy, so to have this bro come anywhere near anybody was straight up rude. But here he was approaching Jesus, and he fell on his knees at Jesus’s feet and started one of my favorite bible verses. He says “Lord, if you will, you can make me clean.” And then Jesus stretched out his hand and TOUCHED him. Leprosy is spread by being close to each other and Jesus touched him.
Who knows how long this man had been sick. It could have been years. It could have been years since he had been even within 6 feet of someone. He had been separated from his family and friends. His wife, his mom, his kids. We can emphasize to some extent but this man had no end in sight. The only thing he had to look forward to was a lonely death, and then he came across Jesus.
And there he was knowing that Jesus could make him clean but also knowing he didn't have too. “Lord, if you will, you can make me clean.”
And Jesus touched him and said “I will. Be clean.” Jesus when he was hiding from the people came across a man that he could legally avoid and it would be culturally acceptable to shun, Nowhere in his mission did it say “Heal a leper.” We see this by afterword he told him not to tell anyone, no one needed to know of it yet.
Jesus was kind.
So what does this mean for us? As we approach the new year we set goals for ourselves. Everything from extra gym time to more money. But let us make a goal this year, let us be known by kindness. Let our names be synonyms for kindness.
We are strong and tough and brave, but let us not forget to be kind. Let us not pour all our efforts into our physical appearance, or a healthier diet, when people's lives are at stake. Ready to be touched.
There are more than one way to save a life. Sure your quick thinking and first aid skills will be vital in an emergency situation, but those will come to us every once in a while.
You know what also changes lives. Kindness. Random, undeserved, acts of kindness. And you know what? That's an everyday thing. Every single day you can change a life, so be like Jesus. Always be like Jesus.

Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.
Guys its almost June! We are half way through this year, how has your commitment to kindness go?