“A bible that is falling apart belongs to a person who is not.” – Charles Spurgeon
You are flying in an airplane, thousands of feet above the ground in an airplane that you know is going to crash. Suddenly a flight attended thrusts a parachute into your hands, a lifeline on this slowly dying plane. But instead of putting it on you put it on the shelf next to you, giving it a glance occasionally, admiring the case and its aesthetic. All without ever putting it on, and then you admire that aesthetic parachute all the way to the ground.
The other thing we can do is rewind and when given that parachute put it on shimmy around a little bit. Adjust the straps. Check it over make sure it works. But you still can’t trust that that little backpack will hold you. And why would you? The plane has a floor, all the people seam to be calm. And there is just a slight downward angle. Why jump out of a plane and trust a piece of cloth when that plane seems to be flying fine?
I swear at this point yall are wondering why I tell such random stories. But as with all the others this one kinda has a point. Though in a crashing plane I hope none of us would ever make any of those decisions but rather put the parachute on tighten it up and yeet ourselves out of there. If we simply replace parachute with bible and airplane with life suddenly, we have all been there and have all made those decisions. We have all gone through a part of our life when the bible looked esthetic up on the shelf, where we would crack it open to proverbs everyone in a while. We can love it and display it without ever really “putting it on”. And even if we have it on by daily reading and application if we don’t trust our life to it (aka everything in our sphere of influence) and jump out and living life solely on what it says we are still crashing and burning.
So, what does jumping look like?
Going from reading that proverbs a day to following a plan, to studying the bible like you would a textbook. Taking notes, highlighting, and memorizing like your studying for the biggest test of your life. (Which you kinda are) to prioritizing your bible time daily no matter what that means. If it means getting up earlier or going to bed later or skipping a phone time. I try and do mine first thing in the morning that way if I mess up or forget or stuff happens I have an entire day to fit it in vs. at night where if you screw up you cant get it in daily. The other thing has to do with this quote “I am strong because I know my weaknesses.” This is a gem of a quote that applies all over the map but for us today it applies to your bible time.
I know that I struggle to focus. Because I am a avid reader I love high paced, action writing. And most of the bible isn’t that. So, I know that I will take just about anything besides it at the beginning. This is not because I think that the bible is boring but simply because it is not a action novel. But because I know this, I can prepare myself for it. If I avoid high action books and movies right before my bible time, It helps. Same with devotional books. I have to read them at a different time because I will skip my bible time to get ot those and no matter how great they may be the don’t hold a candle to the bible. So plan ahead, be honest with yourself and your tendencies. Fall asleep well working? Bible time outside here we come! Slow reader? Audio recording of the bible and follow along. If you are honest with yourself there is usually a way to solve the problem. Remember that Satan doesn’t want us to meet with Jesus. He doesn’t want us to hear his words or talk with him or prep for our day through his power. So, he will throw up every excuse in the book to prevent it. Find the one you fall prey to most, find your way to conquer it and then meet with Jesus at least once a day. Prioritize it because time spent with Jesus will never be wasted.
“Surely we only have to be realistic and honest with ourselves to know how regularly we need to turn to the bible. How often do we face problem, temptation, and pressure? Every day! Then how often do we need instruction guidance and greater encouragement? Every day!” - John Blanchard
“In the way of your testimonies I delight as much as in all riches. I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways. I will delight in your statues; I will not forget your word.” – PSALM 119:14-16 (All of PSALM 119 is about Gods word. 10/10 worth the read.)
https://www.amazon.com/Spiritual-Disciplines-Christian-Donald-Whitney/dp/1576830276 - a book on spiritual disciplines thats first two chapters are on daily bible reading.