The party, to any other goer, was fun, lively, even festive.
To Jack it was the reason she was considering poking her eyeballs out. She watched Hetz flirt around the room like a little hummingbird of holiday cheer, a thousand merry christmases on his lips. As he slowly returned to her he felt the need to make a comment. “Jack, you look like you want to kill something.”
“I do.” she said, breaking the plastic punch cup in her hand. “And you have 32 minutes until you promised me a ride home, so please continue on your way and finish up with your merry and brightness.”
“Let's just go now.” Hetz said, holding out his keys.
“No, you are enjoying yourself. I'm just giving you a warning.”
“I'm actually not.” He chuckled.
“But-” She gestured to the room.
“It's called acting Miss Marris. I'm quite good, am I not?”
“A natural.” Jack agreed, already grabbing her jacket.
As Jack reached for the heat Hetz went for the radio knob, sending christmas music bursting through the speakers. “That's a bit much don't we think?”
“The music?!” He yelled over the pop version of I'll be home for christmas.
“Yes.” she said turning it down significantly, knowing she wouldn't win the battle and be able to turn it off.
“There's that little christmas grinch I know and love so much.”
“I'm not a grinch. I don't mind Christmas, I just wish we didn't have to do it. It's like enjoying being around someone else's kids but still not wanting to have them come live with you.”
“That-” He tried to express his thoughts. “That cannot be an appropriate representation but I can't think of anything that's specifically wrong with it.”
“I am strong because I know my weaknesses. Holidays.”
“So does that mean you dont wanna watch a hallmark with me and make fun of how cheesy all the actors are?”
“I mean ‘don't want to’ is a strong term. ‘I'm gonna put up a fight.’ is probably the most appropriate.” He nodded and let her stew. “I mean like what kind of popcorn do you have?”
“I thought you didn't want to watch a movie.”
“What. kind. of. popcorn. do. you. Have?”
“Don't sass me you little grinch, we need way more of that little tiny who-ville girl energy.”
“That's why you need a dog or a child or some shooting star.”
He laughed. “Did you just tell me to buy myself a shooting star?!”
“If you want to not get sassed.”
“Fine. Jack, I know you have been asking me what I want for Christmas, and I've finally figured it out. I would like-”
“I swear on all that is holy if you say a shooting star I will shoot you in the foot.”