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And so, a glorious rivalry was born.

Gracie Heider

Updated: Aug 20, 2021

This is a deleted portion of Guardian Angels the story.

It might not have ended up in the book but its a gem of a read. I hope you enjoy.

Hetz spent his time for the next week laying in a dorm bed and writing in his notebook.

He watched the GAs come and go, sleep read, and party in between shifts. Everyone was super friendly, always inviting him to join in their games and conversations but Hetz refused on all counts. But one, Hetz thought he looked about his age, wouldn’t leave him alone. Every time he got off shift, he would come and sit on the bunk next to Hetzes and talk about any and everything that came to mind. His name was Cam, at first Hetz was annoyed with him but he realized that he wasn’t by any means boring, He didn’t ask too many questions and he might need his help at some point. So, one day he called him over.

“Yeah what’s up bro?”

“What is there to do besides work around here?”

“Ahh.” The Italian boy sounded. “You are looking for some fun. I knew it wouldn’t be long before you wanted to get up. We do some crazy things for sure, but Rob would actually kill me if you got hurt again.”

“You all afraid of Rob?”

“Heck to the no. He's great he just has some creative ways to run an organization of very strong personalities. He usually acts in a way that calls for respect too. I just don’t want to get extra duties.”

“So, you’re not going to let me go?”

“I never said that I just said I can’t let you get hurt. But I can definitely get you out of here.” He extended a hand to help Hetz to his feet. “We got the book if you just want to get out and about. You like to read?”

“I haven’t read much.”

“Oh, then you’re missing out. Let’s get you to the library.” Hetz followed as Cam made his way confidently down a floor and thru a little doorway into a massive library. “I present to you. The book. Named for the books it contains.”

“That’s very creative.”

“Thanks. The lounge is right outside or there are tables in here. Make yourself comfortable.”

“Thank you I will.”

“If you need anything just let me know.” Hetz walked around just looking at all the volumes, ranging in a wide variety of topics. From sciences, Math, and Novels which Hetz eagerly jumped on. He didn’t have access to many books growing up only a few picture books, but he had loved the ones he had. Now he had access to what seemed to be millions of them and he didn’t know where to start.

Hawk there, standing almost exactly right where Cam had left him starting fiercely at a book open laying on one of his hands, His finger lay on his lip as if it was stuck there. “See you like reading.” Hawk said interrupting Hetzs thoughts.

“Oh. I didn’t see you there.”

“Yeah I know. You're also probably unaware of what time it is too.”


“It's almost 1 in the morning.”

“Oh, do I have to go to bed?”

“No not really. But I went to talk to you and Cam said you were here. You got a minute?”

“Yeah, what’s up?”

“Well I want to check how your healing and I also wanted to talk to you about getting you something to do. We obviously can’t let you into the training workshops, But I do want you to start a gentle work out. Do you run?”


“Well let’s see if you can run without It hurting too much, and we will start with that. Also I’m glad you found the library because Rob thinks it is best if you continue your education.”

“I haven’t been in school for a while.”

“Well you’ve got a lot of extra time on your hands.”

“Why do you want me to get fit and smart?”

“Because personally, I think you could be a GA. Officially those are the two requirements that everyone who lives in HQ has to live by.”

“You think I could be a Guardian Angel?”


“But why?”

“Because, I was a lot like you when I was young. And I made a pretty good.”

“How did you get- out?”

“I met a man who changed my life. He took me from where I was, and he walked with me every step of the way to where I am today. And I know that he will stick with me until I die. Because he bought me.”

“How did you make him notice you?”

“To this day I have no idea why he gave me what he did.”

“Id like to meet him; he sounds like a great dude.”

“I hope you get to meet him too. Because he is great, and I know he would take you too if you meet his requirements.”


“Yeah there’s a few, 10 to be exact.”

“What are they. Well there’s one that says you shall not steal. Ever stolen anything?”


“Nothing? Not a dollar off the counter or a stick of gum.”

“Well sort of.”

“I see, unfortunately for you the next one is don’t lie, and you just lied to me, so I guess we'll check that box. Yeah unfortunately for you you’re not perfect. And so, you can’t enter his program.”

“But you said that You were just like me. You can’t tell me you’ve never told a lie!”

“That’s true I have lied quite a bit.”

“Well how did you get in?”

“Well as you just pointed out I couldn’t do it on my own. It says that I deserve death for my breach of conduct. The only way I could ever get in is that someone who has never broken any of the commandments, someone who was perfect were to take my punishment and die in my place.”

“No ones perfect, so again how did you get in?”

“There is one perfect person, and that is this Guys Son. And you know what he did, he took my sin on him and died.”


“Yeah. But that still leaves a problem what happens when I tell a lie now? Who's going to die to make up for that mistake?”

“I’m confused are you in the program, or aren’t you?”

“I’m in. But because something more amazing happened. After his son died, he came back alive, because not only was he fully Man, but he was fully God.”


“Yeah. It's hard to understand but because he defeated death, he took my sins forever. He offers forgiveness for anyone willing to Believe in what he did for us and start walking in the program.”


“As long as you believe and take action.”

“Even me?”

“Yeah even you.”

“Tell me more about this program that got you from where you were to where you are.”

“Well first of all this aint the end of the road. Eventually when I die, I’m going to live with him forever in a place where there’s no more sorrow, no more tears. There is no more pain. He gives us an instruction manual on how to live in his program.” Hawk looked up and grabbed a bible off a nearby table.

“A bible? All this is about your Christian religion?”

“Yeah, cus no matter what people tell you he is real.”

“But he’s not! Have you ever seen him?”

“Face to face? No. But have you ever seen the wind?”

“No, but it's real you can see it moving trees and flags”

“I can see him moving, I see him looking back when a little old lady told me about Jesus well showing me how he changes lives. I see him when I’m on missions and I should have been caught but for some reason that guard looked away. I even see him when a beat-up kid came into my life.” Hetz thought for a minute.

“I think I might be able to see him in you too. Cuz if what you say about being like me is true, and this is where you are now, helping people, helping me. Well, then there’s something to be said for that.”

“There’s a lot to learn, a lot of information that will help if you choose to believe and take action. But that book.” He said sliding it toward him. “It’s got all the answers, and Cam or Matt or Rob, or I can try to help you understand it.”



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