“Jacklyn Hope Marris, what is this?” Jack looked up from her computer screen to see her senior bracket mate Matt holding up her go-bag.
“My… go-bag?” she said, brushing a stray wisp of her inky hair from her face. At seventeen, her brown eyes and dark skin made her a stunning teenager. Her short stature and feisty attitude starkly contrasted her picturesque beauty.
“Yes, it is. But what is in it?”
“My… go-bag stuff?”
“All of it?”
“Umm… yes?”
“No.” Matt was in his early thirties, and regardless of his correction in his tone, any onlooker could see that he was not only passionate about his work but taught in a way that made you want to learn. “You are short a skivvy roll. But you wouldn't know that because it's a mess.”
“No way I'm missing anything! It's stuffed full!”
“Yes, it is full because your bag is a mess. Properly packed, you will have plenty of room for that last skivvy roll and then some.” He heved his own backpack onto the table and unzipped it to display his own meticulously packed -bag. Jack had to admit when she compared the two she saw a drastic difference. Matt oversaw her rolling a new skivvy roll of a fresh t-shirt, socks, and underwear, then diligently helped her repack an entire weekend's worth of clothing and gear neatly into her own backpack. When she finished the two bags were identical.“Alright. Now go put this by the end of your bed where it belongs and don’t touch it until you need to reopen it or disappear for three days. Understand?”
“Now. What’re you working on?” he said, glancing at her computer screen.
“School.” she sighed. “Just trying to finish highschool while working a full-time job and protecting the world.”
“Technically protecting the world is your full-time job so that doesn't really count,” Matt said, smiling and ruffling her hair.