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Gracie Heider

Updated: Aug 20, 2021

Jack tried desperately tried to cover her smile with her hand as Hetz yet again missed the hoop entirely. “That would be HORS…E.” she said.

“Yeah Jack. I’m aware.” He said trying to swallow his pride.

“Chance or prove?” she said smiling with just the corner of her mouth.

“Prove. There is no way your gunna be able to do that again.”

“Ummm…” Jack rolled her eyes. “You’re on E. I don’t even have H. I think I can.” She said repeating the shot perfectly.

“Chance?” he asked.

“Sure, I’ll give ya another shot your gunna waste it but Ill give it to you.” He stood where she was standing, and she threw him the ball. He shot again and … missed. Again, Jack tried to cover her amusement.

“It’s not funny Jack.”

“Your right.” She said swallowing a laugh. “It’s kind of sad.”

“Jack! Stop! I’m struggling over here!”

“Oh, I’m well aware.” She said laughter bursting out.

“Are you naturally just annoying? Or do you have to try?”

“Well personally I think it’s a pleasant mix of both. I do try for you, but the bottom line is established by talent.” He pretended to angerly throw the ball at her, but she looked away right as he did it. So instead of catching it or deflecting it hit her square on the side of the head. The only sound that filled the following awkward silence was the ball bouncing off the sidewalk.

“Jack… I am so sorry! I didn’t- “

“Did you just throw a ball at my head because I beat you at HORSE?!”

“I want to say no but I can’t.”

“Hetz that is not the response I wanted.”

“Are you ok?” he asked moving over to her so he could see her face. Blood was coming out of her nose, and despite her best efforts tears were flowing down her face from the shock of it.

“I’m not sure actually.” He pulled her into a hug, his guilt overcoming his injured pride.

“Jack I’m so sorry. I was wrong. I should have made sure you were looking when I threw it. On not thrown it at all.” He heard a grunt from the messy bun, bloody, tear combo from his arms.

“I forgive you it just hurts… still.” She said but she couldn’t resist the opportunity to say “Plus it was super accurate for someone who completely missed the back board for so many times.”



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