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I've been told I'm funny

Gracie Heider

“You alright?”


“Really cuz you’ve got RBF right now.” Jack said, feeding off the curious glances from those around them.

“Shoot. Is this better?” He asked, plastering a smile on his face.

“I mean it looks kinda fake but that's just me.” As they continued their task Jack restated her question. “You alright? Where does it hurt?”

“Everywhere.” Hetz laughed. “Literally everywhere. But it's ok. There’s nothing you can do about it.”

“I can sure try. First of all I’m hilarious and I’ve been told that's distracting.”

“Amen to that.” He agreed.

“Plus I'm not hurt so you give me that.” She gestured to his load and forced the extra weight on to her own. He resisted but she just said. “Hey, we're practicing humility, remember?”

“I knew I shouldn't have told you that.”

“Yeah that was a bad call on your part for sure.” They walked in silence for a minuet then she broke it by saying “You try ice and ibuprofen?”

“A little too much ibuprofen?”


“Yeah, tell me about it. Not only is my head getting squeezed in an imaginary vice but my intestines are eating themselves.”

“Ehh. That's only a slight issue.” she laughed.

“You are so right.” he scoffed. “I’m sorry for bringing it up.”

“I was kidding! Loosen up!”

“If I loosen up at this point I think I'm gonna fall apart. Like just shatter. I like a million pieces. Boom. All over the floor.”

“Well that's kinda depressing. But you know what's not? The fact that I'll be there when you do, and there when you pick yourself back up - now that I saw that outloud it also sounds very depressing. But I mean it is something.”

“Yeah it's something alright.” He chuckled.



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