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Poor decisions and bad council

Gracie Heider

In her defense, Jack was left unsupervised. However, Less to her defense she is old enough to know better.

Honestly I'm not sure if it's better that she knew better or not.

Hawk and Matt had spent a good portion of their time over the last few weeks making fun of Jack for caring about her appearance too much. It's ironic because she couldn't care less how she looks, except when she's in her dress blacks.

And, though she tried to tell them so, it was getting to the point where she could only show them.

There were several less drastic options to prove said point.

She could have showed up in her PJs.

She could have left her hair unbrushed.

She could have not matched her socks or worn a striped shirt with polkadot pants or anything else but not Jack.

Jack is a go big or go home type of person, sometimes unfortunately.

To prove her point she shaved her eyebrows off.

If you aren't familiar with what a face looks without eyebrows take a moment and look up a picture, trust me you wont regret it.

Now that you have that image, that is what Hetz walked in on when he returned to Foxtrot's office one day, a very eyebrowless Jack.

“Oh my gosh!” he laughed. “What the heck? Where are they?” he sputtered.

“They’re gone.”


“Because Hawk said I care too much about what I look like.”

“You only care what they say about you apparently.” Hetz said, now wiping the tears of laughter out of his eyes.

“I'm gathering that now. What am I going to do? They take two months to grow back!”

“A hat?” He offered with another burst of laughter. “Or maybe a sharpie. I can do it if you want.”

“Absolutely not. You will not come near my face with a permanent marker!”

“You have bigger problems right now Marris.”

“I know.” she cried, with a laugh.



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