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Sneak peak into book two part 2

Gracie Heider

Read part one first


“How'd she do?” Hawk asked when Hetz entered his office.

Hetz simply shook his head and Hawk understood. “What are we gunna do?” Hetz asked, collapsing in the chair.

“She's got to want it for herself. We have to wait.”

“But it's destroying her.”

“I know.” Hawk sighed, zoning out on the wall in front of him, then slowly landing on Hetz “Do you want to go back?”

“Of course.” Hetz breathed, closing his eyes.

“Then go.”

“What?” they snapped open.

“Join another team for a bit. Charlie has an opening because C3 broke his leg. You should take his place for a few months.”

“No! I'm not leaving Foxtrot.”

“You wouldn't be leaving, you would just be a temp.”

“This team is my family. I'm not leaving it.”

“Ok,” Hawk said, understanding. “But the option is there. I don't want to lose two of you due to inactivity.”

“I'll live in the Pew if I have to in order to stay active.”

“It's not a bad idea.” Hawk admitted. “Keep an eye on her.”


“Would you freaking get away from the edge please?!” Hetz said when he found Jack on the roof.

“Relax, I'm not going to fall.”

“No one plans on falling.” He said pulling her off the three foot wall that separated them from the fall. “Hawk said he wants to talk to you later.”

“I bet.” Jack scoffed. “Did he seem mad?”

“Naw.” Hetz shook his head. “Just concerned.” Jack let the silence build up between them until it was unbearable. “When do you think you’ll be ready?”

“I don't know if I will be.”


“I don't want it anymore.”

Hetz swallowed hard and ran his tongue over his teeth before responding. “What do you want?”

“I kinda want a farm.” He raised an eyebrow at her out of character comment. “And kids. And to not have so much pressure on me, just that of like ‘will we be ready for the winter?’ Ya know?”

“I can't say I know specifically but I can see why.”

“Like have I not paid enough?” she said, sitting on the wall to face him.

“Paid for what?”

“My share.”

“Of protecting the Church?”

“I guess.”

Hetz kicked the piece of rock with his left foot. He wished Hawk or Matt was here to offer Jack some wisdom. “Is it divided up evenly?”

“I don't know. I think it might be, but not everyone pays their share. I guess the question is if I have paid mine.”

“You have Jack. You’ve covered for many other people.”

“Then maybe it's time for me to let someone else pay.”

Hetz nodded, unable to say anything. Her reasoning was sound. She was right. “You just make sure you leave for the right reasons ok?”

It was Jack's turn to nod. “I promise.”

“Ya gotta pinkie promise. Cuz pinkies never break.”

She laughed, “Ok.” he grabbed her pinkie with his. “I pinkie promise.”



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