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The Foxtrot Name

Gracie Heider

"MacArthur!" Jack yelled over the bustle of instruments. "How much longer tell yall are done messing around?"

"Messing around? Were working." He replied over his guitar.

"You call singing Kumbaya working?"

"Were cooling down, leave us alone."

"Like warming up but a way to waste time at the end?" Hetz flipped on her, mock anger on his face.

"Just because you're uncultured doesn't mean we all have to be."

"Uncultured?!" Jack raised an eyebrow at him. "Just because Im not musically inclined doesn't mean i'm uncultured!"

"Guys" Hawk said from the back of the room. "Please don't fight in front of the kids!" he gestured to the two newest members of the team.

"Are mommy and daddy getting a divorce?" The boy said, in an intentionally high voice.

"Why do you think this is a fight? We're just having a conversation." Jack countered.

"Thats exactly what a mom looking for a divorce would say."

"How did this get so out of hand?" Jack scoffed.

"So do you want to get a divorce Marris?" Hetz smiled, playing along.

"At this point yes! I don't want the Foxtrot name anymore. You have have the kids too and if we're being honest I had coffee with Tango yesterday!"

"How could you?!" Hetz gasped. "And I assume you also want the office?"

"Its only fair if you get the children." Jack nodded and a smile formed on her face.

"But what will we do with grandpa?" she looked over at Hawk.

"Grandpa?!" Hawk yelled. "You two better not be talking about me!"



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