Hetz watched as Jack literally floated around the room. Jumping like a butterfly, she floated from one place to another all day until finally he had had enough and pulled her aside at the end of their shift. “What is going on?”
“Well… sense you asked. A guy at school asked me out.” Her answer surprised him on so many levels. First of all she out and said it, she never told him anything on the first go around, second he didnt even know that she liked anyone at the moment, and she always asked his opinion on anyone. And he would usually run reconnaissance missions on them. But he had not recently. And thirdly (if thats even a thing) Jealousy arose in his chest. Her face waited eagerly for his announcement response so he conjured one.
“Thats- Thats great Jack.”
“Whats wrong.”
“I just didnt realise you were into anybody. At the moment that is.” He was surprised by the amount of awkwardness that suddenly filled the air between them.
“Well I wasn't but he is cute.”
“You weren't? I mean you had no feelings for this guy before he asked you out?”
“Im sorry are you jealous?”
“No! Absolutely not, i'm just worried for you.”
“I'm more than capable of taking care of myself MacArthur.”
“Im not doubting that. Im just a little concerned the way your jumping into this.”
“Hetz.” Suddenly he realized that her eyes were filled with tears. “I wanted you to be happy for me.”
“I am. Kinda.”
“No you're not, you're jealous.”
“Me? Jealous? Bless your delusional heart.”
“Don't pull your sarcasm on me!” Her eyes started to flare and Hetz knew he had gone a bit too far, he knew he should try and negotiate her out of an argument but for some reason he didnt want to. Pain, both emotional and physical was the first ting GAs were taught to deal with but he almost never had to deal with it around her.
“Have it your way. Ill be here when you get your head out of your butt.” He turned before he could see her face.
But later he couldnt seem to pull himself away from her location as he worked in his truck not a mile away from her house. Between his MC and his phone he was calling the school office, and giving himself a teacher profile at the same time. And just like that he had Cap, Jacks younger brother, called into the principal's office where he met him. Cap looked a bit surprised but when along with it until the two of them were at his truck.
“So your telling me you can get me out of school?”
“Yeah. But I need your help.”
“Why havent you let me out before?”
“Not the point. Can you help me?”
“With what?”
“Bro, I gave up on her a while ago.” Cap said, throwing up his hands.
“No but seriously, whats with the boyfriend thing?”
“Person. Hes a person not a thing.”
“Whatever. Tell me about him.”
“Well Jack adores him. I mean shes absolutely bonkers for him.”
“I know how Jack feels about him.” Hetz sighed. “Tell me about him.”
“Well he's 17, a junior, a football star, awful grades. Just high enough to keep him on the team.”
“Really? Why would she fall for someone with such low standards?”
“Cuz he asked her out.” Cap said giving him a significant look. “No one else did.” Hetz pretended to not pick up what Hetz was laying down.
“What does he look like? Where does he live?”
“I dont know where he lives! Im not a creepy stalker like you! I do have a picture tho.” Hetz leaned over as Cap scrolled through his phone till he got one of a football banquet and zoomed in on one guy.
“Whats his name?”
“Cassian Fargo.”Hetz reached down and grabbed Caps phone then sent the picture to himself.
“What's your gut say?” Hetz said, making eye contact.
“Honestly, Hes stuck up and prideful kid that has experienced les pain in his whole life than she has in her left little toe. He wasnt her to become his Girlfriend because she is cute and popular and so is he.” His blue eyes flared as he said. “And he's gunna hurt her in more ways than one.”
“You down for a little bit of scare-off-the-boyfriend with me then?”
“Absolutely. BUt as i said before. Jack really loves him.”
“She's just confused right now.”
“She is going to kill us when she finds out.” Hetz had to agree.
“There is no right way to end this though. She is going to have her heart broken either way. At least maybe I can give her a clean break.” They decided that Cap should tell Jack that he would be home late, and that they should plan at Hetzes place.
“This is where you live?”
“Not… Really.” Hetz said, pulling out a set of key and entering a small ground level apartment. As soon as they walked in Cap could tell someone had been living there. Hetz dropped his backpack by the front door and walked quickly toward the living room. “Help me move this please.” He said pushing on a table. Once it was aside he kicked the carpet into a roll revealing more carpet but a quick movement revealed a thumbprint sensor. Once Hetz had unlocked it Cap gasped at a stairway down to a store room below. Hetz smiled at him. “What were you expecting to be under the carpet in a spy's house?”
“A trap door, but to the sewer, not an underground store house!”
Hetz started throwing stuff up into the room at Caps feet well he just stood there watching. “Can you turn on the TV?”
“AHH! Cap yelled. “Why is your TV talking?”
“Oh. Sorry! Hoodie! Let Cap in. Look up this Cassian and find out where he lives. Extra points for where he is right now.” Cap set to work and within half an hour they were ready and had a location, But unfortunately that Cassian's red dot was traveling, And so they had to sit and wait.
“So… whats this place for?”
“It's a GA crash house. One of many around the world.”
“Why are you living here?”
“Im no-”
“Yes you are.”
“How did you know?” Hetz asked suddenly, very concerned with finding a cup.
“It doesn't take a GA to tell when someones at home. When you stayed with us Jack said you were having problems at home and my guess is that she wasn't talking about this empty pad. How long have you been here?”
“A bit. I went home for about two weeks.”
“Do you have any siblings?”
“What are they ugly or something?”
“No.” Hetz said, letting himself smile. “I have a little sister shes 14.”
“Jack never mentioned that.”
“She doesnt know.”
“Oh.” All the sudden there was a knock on the door and Hetz shoved Cap into the bathroom.
“Who is it?”
“Its me Hetz! Coda.”He cracked the door open then let her in but he didnt call Cap out of the bathroom so he stayed put.
“Coda. Your not supposed to be here.”
“Hello to you too.” His body blocked the entrence to the loving room and from the bathroom Cap saw that the trap door was still open. So he snuck out and shut it, then grabbing the gear they eft out and pulled them into the bathroom with him, just as Coda pushed Hetz out of the way into the living room. “I need a place to stay for a bit. Ross's family is going on vacation so and Im not going home.”
“Well yeah, stay here until I get back and we will figure something out.”
“Where are you going?” Hetz drew her into the bedroom with the conversation and Cap took his que to get out of the house. When Hetz met him in his truck ten minutes later, he couldn't help but address it. “I take it that's your sister and she doesn't know that you're a GA.”
“No, she does not.” The silence filled the truck as they made their way to the pizza parlor where Cassian had stopped. They sat at a table across the room from him as he stared at his phone for a good ten minuets.
So their mission started, and Hetz got up to ‘use the bathroom’ But on his way buy he slipped a but and camera in right behind cassian. After they watched him for a few more minutes, monitoring his phone and his less than stellar internet usage, they prepared to take him out back when to their horror Jack walked in.
Luckly for them her GA trainning was tampered by her love blindness and she didnt get a full sweep of the room, so she didnt see them.
“What are we going to do?”
“We cant leave or shell she us!”
“Do we keep the bug and Camera rolling?” Cap asked.
“I dont know.” Hetz whispered.
“Dude if she finds out she is gunna beat us both up at the same time!”
“Ok. This is sketchy and it just got a heck of alot worse, but one day she is going to figure out that this is the best. Can you drive?”
“Technically yes, but legally no.”
“Ok, so this is what were gunna do. Behind the shack is an ally that I may have a van delivered. Were gunna go back there. Do you think you can get Jack in the car?”
“Yes? It depends on how willing she is to hurt me.”
“I know, Im sorry. Get her in their and then leave, go to the park up the street.”
“How am I supposed to keep her in their?”
“Its a prisoner transport vehicle.”
“Oh.” Inwardly Cap was wondering how on earth Hetz got a prison van ‘delivered’
“Grav the camera on the way out, showing her that footage of his internet usage might help ease the blow.”
“Might is right.” Then together they stood, and walked over to the lovers table.
“Cap, Hetz what are you doing here?” Even though her voice was level she was screaming at them with her eyes.
“Umm can we talk to yall outside please.” Hetz asked, forcing himself to hold eye contact.
“Who are these people?”
“My little brother Cap and friend Hetz.” Inwardly Hetz cringed at the title she gave him. But she got up and followed them out the door. Hetz dropped a 20 on the table and went after them. Once they were in the alley Cap pulled Jack toward the van.
“Let's go home Jack.”
“What? No! Cap!”Her eyes were fraught with confusion, and when he saw them, Hetz lost his nerve for a minute, but Cap didn't. He picked his sister up and threw her over his shoulder.
“What are you going to do Hetz?!” She yelled at him. “Beat him up because you're jealous?!”
“Beat me up?” Cassian squeaked. Hetz grabbed his shirt but turned his attention back towards Jack and Cap.
“Hetz.” He couldnt bring himself to make eye contact with her, but nodded at Cap who pushed her into the van. He could hear her screaming his name begging him to stop until the van was well around the corner. Then he turned to Cassian. “If you dare even glance in her direction again I swear I will not show as much mercy as I am going to today. But if you touch her - I will kill you. Do you have any doubts about that?”
“Who are you?” he managed to stutter.
“Her Guardian Angel. Do you understand because I don't want there to be any confusion on your part. None at all.”
“Yes. Yes. I understand.” Hetz would have beaten him to a pulp at that moment if Cassian wasnt such a wimp. It would be an unfair fight and he knew it. Besides, His threat would keep him clear of Jack for a very long time by itself, there was no need for unnecessary violence. So instead he released his shirt, pushing him down the alley. Before turning to meet Cap at the park. When he got their Cap got out, a hard look forced on his face. Silently, they went to the back and opened the door. A shoe came flying out bouncing off Hetes chest and driving them to get in the van and shut the door behind them.
“Jack. We were doing a reconnaissance mission on Cassian, and he is not someone you would want to even be friends with, much less date. We were about to scare him off when you walked in and so we had to change our plan.” Jack refused to look at him.
“I can take care of myself.”
“I'm positive that you can but it is our job to help.” Cap said laying a gentle hand on her shoulder that she wacked off. As the only non GA among them Cap showed a normal amount of emotion when when pushed him away and Hetz saw his eyes well up with tears.
“It was none of your business! You shoulnt of interfered!”
“Jack.” Hetz tried to ease the blow for Cap.
“No! You don't have the right to talk to me. That's something I granted you and I'm sure as heck taking it back.” She said getting up and he felt her mood switch from angry and pissed off to beat the crap out of the nearest thing. “I'm never talking to either of you again! And if you think its gunna pass, I'm putting in a transfer Hetz. I'm not gunna be Foxtrot 1 anymore. I hate both of you for this!” She went to open the door but there was no handle from the inside. “Tell me you idiots didn't lock us all in!”
“Not on purpose. Someone was throwing shoes at us, so we were a little distracted.” Cap said as Hetz punched a few buttons on the MC.
“Someone will be here soon.” On a normal day he would have expected Jack to laugh at the situation but she didn't and he wouldn't be surprised to see laser beams shoot out of her eyes she was so mad. They sat in hot silence until finally there was a knock on the door.
“Yeah.” And the door opened to reveal the face of Cam, one of Hetzes best friends.
“How the heck-” But he was inturupted by Jack pushing past him and setting off in a brisk run. Cam started to ask what was going on but Hetz interrupted him. “Bro can you give us a sec?” Then he shut the door again. “Cap look at me. Its gunna be fine. She will come around.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah. She probably knows it now and its just a matter of time before her prideful butt will admit it.” They shook hands then hugged, and Hetz slipped him a MC. “only for emergencies and if that scumbag breathes wrong. Just ask it to message Hoodie.”
“Thank you.”
“No thanks for being my beat- up-the-boyfriend buddy.”
“Anytime.” Hetz offered to drive him home but Cap declined. On his way home Hetz had almost convinced himself of what he had told Cap. She would understand in a few days. But when he got to work that night he saw that Jack's name was no longer on her locker.
And when he checked the rooster and saw with shock that there was no Foxtrot one on the list.