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The spider

Writer's picture: Jack MarrisJack Marris

Hetz grabbed Jack's jacket and pulled her over in the hallway outside of TOC (Technical operations center) “What are you doing?” Jack asked, looking confused.

“I kind of… well sort of… not really…”

“Comon Spit it out.” She said crossing her arms over her chest.

“I lost Luke.” He mumbled to the floor.

“Say that again?” she didn’t want to believe it

“I lost him.”

“You lost him?” Jack looked at his red, sweaty face. He had obviously tried finding him on his own.

“Kinda,” His eyes looked apologetic “But I can fix it. We just go into TOC and I can track him.”

“Going into TOC without permission is most diffidently not even slightly ok. Besides we both have to key in, which im not doing, and get a supervisor's permission.”

“Yeah I know but you are really good at lockpicking right?”

“No, No freaking way!”

“Aww come on Jack! I don’t want to have to tell Rob I lost him. Please?” His pleading look met her determined one. Finally she broke and pulled out her lock picking kit.

“Loop the cameras outside of closet 236.” Hetz gave her a huge smile and worked on him MC (mobile Computer.) Jack grabbed his shirt and drug him along after her until they reached closet 236. Hetz finished hacking in then looping the security system just as they reached the door which Jack made short work of the lock. She shot him a look that portrayed both Confidence and joy, This was right up her ally. As soon as they were in he began to reset the cameras, working on his watch he Knelt and Jack got on his shoulders. Once done he looked up at Jack who was running her knife along one of the ceiling panels there eyes met and they shared a smile. “We are really good at this.”

“What breaking and entering in one of the most highly advanced technological fortresses in the world? Or the shoulder thing?”


“Yeah I would agree.” He nodded. Jack pushed free the square and Hetz stood up giving her a boost into the ceiling cavity. She spread her weight out over as many support pieces as possible and layed down so that her armpits were barely over the edge of the square. She reached down with her palms facing Hetz. He stood under her feet and ran forward to grab her wrists. But she pulled back at the last second. “What?!”

“Im not in on this. You know that right?”

His dimples showed and a broad grin crossed his face. “Could have fooled me.” She gave him a dirty look and reached down again. He ran forward and grabbed her wrists, she swung him up saying

“1/2 a inch both ways.” As soon as He was level with her he let go so that he wouldn’t break her wrists and flipped up and around landing behind her with one foot ½ a inch from her knees, perfectly balanced on a support beam. They carefully walked, on the beams over to where Jack knew the TOC would be. She pulled out a little camera and poked it thru the ceiling panel. The feed showed up on her watch and as soon as she got thru the layer she gave a little gasp. “Rob is in the only cubicle open, he looks like he might be going soon but were going to have to wait it out.” She whispered and Hetz nodded. They waited in silence for a minuet constantly checking the feed waiting for the director to leave so they could drop into the technical booth. Then to Jacks horror she saw a spider crawl over the edge of Hetzs shirt, there were few things her best friend was afraid of but spiders were one of them. Like little girl scream and yell and jump around kind of afraid. She tried to reach forward and wack it away but he saw her coming and it clicked immediately why she was doing. He was instantaneously terrified

“Get it off!” He yelled jumping up and stepping backward off the 2 by 4 he was balanced on, and on to the flimsy 2 inch board, which immediately collapsed. And so Hetz fell through the ceiling in a chaotic mix of boy, plaster and spider he landed in a heap at the feet of Rob Jenkins the director of GA (Guardian Angels) Jack immediately pulled back from the hole Following an agreement they had set up long ago. In situations such as this it was best the one of them was out and not in trouble. She watched on the feed thou as Rob stood in shock staring at Hetz who was not only covered in dust but had also just fallen thru the ceiling. All of the sudden Hetz jumped up and grabbed the nearest object which happened to be a computer mouse, and threw it at Robs Head. Hetz had a amazing aim and hit Rob on top of his bald head. Jack was so confused at first but then she saw the spider land on the floor next to Robs foot. Hetz was literally so terrified of the little spider that he had thrown a computer mouse at it. The mouse was attached to a coard and the cord to a multimillion dollar computer which tipped off its little stand and of course hit the sharp arm of the otherwise padded chair and shattered into a thousand little pieces. Jack couldn’t help it, she burst out in laughter in fact she was laughing so hard she leaned forward off her own 2by4 and she too found herself plummeting thru the ceiling she landed in a heap on top of Hetz. Between the glass shards now stuck in her limbs and the hard slam of Hetzes Knee in her back her laughter stopped and she realized that Rob was standing over them a look of absolute irritation written all over his face.

“What is going on here?! How did you…? Why did you…?” He paused and rubbed his head. “Why the Heck were you in the ceiling?” All his questions were met by silence, then To top it all off Jack saw what Hetz didn’t. The spider that had caused the whole mess had somehow survived its fall from the ceiling and its incident with the computer mouse and against all odds was climbing up Hetzes Back! She reached to whack it off but it was to late, the spider left his shirt where it had gone undetected onto the back of his neck where it most certainly did not. He shoved her off of him into the pile of glass and jumped up so fast that his foot got tangled in the mouse cord and as soon as he was up he was down grabbing on to anything for balance including Rob. Jack lost it again laughing so hard that the glass cutting into her didn’t even bother her. Meanwhile Rob and Hetz landed in a tangle on the floor with Hetz still thrashing around trying to find and kill the spider. All of this commotion had got the attention of basically all of the GAs in the cave and soon not only the GAs in the room were gathered around them but some had also started knocking on the doors wondering what was going on, and some stellar agent had decided to open the door for them. So now we have two holes in the ceiling, a boy covered in plaster and a little blood and rolling around with the director of one of the most highly esteemed agents in the world who now was a little bloody and who had a large lump on his head. And we have a girl who is literally covered in little cuts who is hysterical laughing at who knows what. We also have a broken computer and on top of it all a little black spider.



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