Just a little Hetz and Jack being relationship goals
Jack's smile penetrated Hetzes foggy mood. “What?” he asked as she stood there.
“You just mad for no reason?” she asked.
“No, I'm not.” Hetz said getting up from his desk to meet her. She dramatically winked at him.
“Ok.” she said sarcastically. “So if you're not mad at nothing then what are you mad at?”
“I'm not mad!”
“Fine.” she said, putting her hands up. “So.. you wanna grab a bite to eat?”
“No, I'm good. Thank you though.”
“See! I knew you were mad! The only time you won't go get food with me is when you're mad, because you don't eat when you're mad!”
“Yes I do!”
“No you dont.” she pressed. “Because I know that you don't eat very well on your own, so you allow me to remind you when needed. The only time you don't listen is when you're mad or in a bad mood.”
“I feel slightly attacked, and spied on.”
“Yeah.” Jack said “Well I am trained in hand to hand combat, and I am a spy so I'm not really surprised, and neither should you be.” She shoved a bottle of cumbatcha into his hand. “So Spill. The. tea.”
“I'm just… well I'm not mad. I'm just, well I'm confused.” He admitted. “I'm not sure what I should be doing.”
“No.” he said, rolling his eyes at her. “Like long term. I've lived in a constant state of fight or flight for the last 18 years. Now what?”
“Well If you look at it like that, then yes. You no longer have to live in constant fear, but thats just a tiny part of your life. You're a fighter, but more importantly you are a protector. And there will always be someone for you to protect.”
“Like you?” he said playfully.
“Well no. I do not need protection. But there are like a Kabillion other people that do need you to keep them safe.”
“Well that's not strictly true Jax. Seems to me that the people who are so admit that they don't need protection, usually need it the most.”
She laughed. “I have 10 ways to kill you with a sucker stick right now. I think ill be fine.”
“No you won't.” He said, grabbing her by her waist. “Don't even pretend that you don't need someone to protect you from the dark and from all the scary clowns, oh and the thunder storms.” She looked at him, surprise written all over her face.
“How did you…”
“I'm a trained observer, Jax. You can't be surprised I pay attention to the person I won't let the world touch.”