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What not to say

Gracie Heider

As Jack and Hetz made their way through the drive through line, they talked of the hike they had just completed. They had snuck off after their shift and had thoroughly enjoyed the time they had spent in the fresh air.

When they finally arrived at the window Jack passed the drive thru worker her card in exchange for their drinks. The girl who was about Jack's age smiled at her and said. “I just wanted to say you are super pretty. Like you look like a princess.”

“Aww thank you.” Jack blushed and drove away but her smile stayed long after.

Huh. Hetz thought to himself. Interesting. He filed the thought away for later.


A week later, Hetz and Jack stood on two podiums letting Turtle poke them with pins. “Arms up Jack.” She said, wrapping a sheet of black cloth around her wrist.

“Sorry.” Jack tried to keep her hands level but just looking at Hetz mostly relaxed across from her. “Cant you go work on Hetz?”

“I am working on him. But I need to see these uniforms side by side.” Jack rolled her eyes and forced her arms up the half inch they had dropped. “I can hear you rolling your eyes Jacklyn.”

“How?! “ Jack exclaimed but Hetz laughed.

A few minutes later Turtle stood back and admired her work. “What do you think?”

“Its fine.” Jack said trying to move without getting poked by the pins.

“No I need more. Hetz, what do you think of Jacks uniform?”

He looked across at her, “You look like a princess.”

In one smooth motion that couldnt have been planed but was executed with perfection she pivitoed her head and snacked a pin off her shoulder with her teeth and spit it over at Hetz sticking it into his shoulder.

“Oww!” He yelled. “Why did you do that?”

“Don't call me that.”

“What princess?”

“Don't make me do it again.”

“OK! I wont. I thought you liked it!”

“What would ever give you that Idea?”

“You responded so well to the drive thru lady.”

“She was nice!”

“What am I?!”

“Jack! Hetz! Please stop crushing my work! No more talking! I don't want your opinions anymore.”


“No. more. Talking.” So Hetz didn't talk, technically Jack didn't either but her glares at him were more than words. So Hetz did what any best friend would: He stuck his tongue out at her and she almost choked on the pin she was about to spit at him.

“Nnnnnnnnnnnnn.” Turtle tisked at them. “No talking please!”



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