What to read
There is alot of stuff on this site for you. We have spent years getting gathering information and interviewing people.
To help you navigate the wealth of information here please use this mini guide and also the WHERE TO START page to make full use of this site.
And so, a glorious rivalry was born.
The GA dictionary
Swiss Cheese
How many people to a couch?
Interview with Matt Army: Foxtrot 3
Go-bags and schoolwork
Divergent, Veronica Roth - Divided by personalities
Meet the Cast
Chuffing up
Link tree
They're stubborn and its complicated
The watch tan race
the known, and the unknown.
25 life lessons that I learned at work
the buff
Out of the Whirlwind
random adventures with peanut butter and red bull
Simon- Peter: Gods Chosen Leader
Interview with Rebecca - faith in the fire
Questioning God