What to read
There is alot of stuff on this site for you. We have spent years getting gathering information and interviewing people.
To help you navigate the wealth of information here please use this mini guide and also the WHERE TO START page to make full use of this site.
The truth and opinions
Shots fired
Bombs and rational thoughts
Slashing tires and spilled coffee
Jail in the frozen tundra
A memory by nightfall
A book written in vain.
The spider
He gives and he takes away.
Liquid prayers
What water is to paper - and a wall too.
How meeting a handsome spy changed by life
Snipers and puberty
The MisAdventures of Turtle
The day after leg day
Congrats, you're now a superhero.
The Maze Runner book review - James Dashner
The one where I get in trouble for beating someone up even though I didnt do it.